14479 Saunders Rd.
Pecatonica, Illinois 61063
(815) 239-1436
Gary's Shop Is Full, Featuring Huge Selection of Roller Tool Chests-Socket-Wrench Sets, Instruments, Grinders & Chop Saws, Welders & Torches, Power & Air Tools, Drill Press & Battery Chargers, Kennedy Roller Chests & Machinist Instruments, Snap-On Tools, Equipto 120-Drawer Parts Bins & Storage Cabinets, Service Jacks & Stands, Log Chains & Binders, Chain Saws, Loads of Hardware- Electrical-Automotive Supplies, Parts Indexes, Manuals, Many NIB Items, '16 Can-am Maverick 1000R UTV, SkiDoo Rave Snowmobile & Trailer, Boating & Fishing Gear and Much More.
Large Live Onsite Auction! 5 Hay Racks Full!