7388 Lyford Rd.
Caledonia, Illinois 61011
(815) 239-1436
Pittsburg, PA., 28" wide 39" tall, 26" deep
33" wide, 55" tall, 16" deep
w/ 2 leaves, 5' wide, 32" deep
self-cleaning oven
w/ attachments
smooth top
Double E - 8' panes
14 - 5' sections
5 skids of glue-on face brick
6 sheets - 4' x 8' x 1/8"
Choice of 5 - N.I.B.
3 pt. - Newer 13.6-28 tires - good condition
Choice of No. 5 & No. 8, etc.
6" thick - 28" diameter
12 ga., SN - AJ291183
20 ga., SN - 20948
ShtLE III - SN - 4735
12 ga., SN - 794970-4
12 ga.
12 ga.
12 ga., Celect-a choke, SN - 331613
.50 cal., black stock, Simmons 1033 scope
.58 cal., full stock
16 ga.
twin Ruger 1022 rifles on tripod
and arrows
6' & 8'
w/ 4 chairs
Large Selection
16 Twin
sulky - tillers - mower
and others
various gauges
2000 Kg cap.
6 sets of 3
8' x 20'
square, angle, channel, etc.
w/ stand
s.n. J-68221
1/25th scale