14518 Russellville Rd.
Capron, Illinois 61012
(815) 239-1436
Rockford, IL , forest green bottle
with Fiddle Back
dated 1860
with (4) Brass Studded Chairs
with carved shell & broken arch top-nice!
good condition
and more
w/gold rim
qty (50)
as is
with brass works
enamel brown w/ green base
by B&H-9"
Fox, Cat, Ships
original paint
and more
dresser and nightstand
large selection
Rabbits, Chickens, Children etc. over 100 pcs.
w/marble base
dated 1900- Calf & Chicken Barn Scene
Castle Landscape Painting 20" x 16"
qty (20)
rolls pins, mashers, butter paddles
and other old items
with Lady Finial
8.5" with orig. paint
with iron curls