, Illinois 61063
(815) 239-1436
Coon Rapids, Iowa - NOS
Union Stock Yards, Omaha, Nebraska
and more
for Voeltz Garage & Implement Co., Jefferson, Wisconsin
in box and others
most H.P. Hrs, NPI
McCormick No. 8 Tractor Plow, McCormick Corn Binder, Little Genius Tractor Gang Plow, Regular Corn Binder, Feed Grinders, McCormick Farmall 450 Tractors, Farmall 450 and more
M. Rumely Co., La Porte, Ind.
diesel 70 H.P.
with Power-Crater Engine
Udina Farm Shop, Elgin, Illinois, "Farmer-Sportsman Cooperation Benefits All"
John Deere, IH, McCormick-Deering, Ford, Case, Minneapolis-Moline and more
and lots of old farm paper
70's and 80's, Ford, John Deere, IH and others
fully restored, nice
needs restoring. Note: located off-site in Chana IL
great condition
wood and iron, NOS and more
and Dealer Smalls
and decals, etc.
rare w/ offset platform, plated driver, circa 1940, nice orig. cond., 7.5" long
w/ rubber tires, plated driver, nice orig. cond., circa 1940, 7.5" long
by American Precision, cast metal w/ Goodyear tires, 1/12 scale
cast iron w/ balloon tires, circa 1937, nice
cast iron 12", complete, circa 1927
Spec Cast
Ertl, 1/16th, in box
Spec Cast, NIB
Ertl, Collector Edition, 1/16th, in box
Ertl Collectibles, Fox Fire Farm Series, 1/16th, in box
Ertl Precision Series, 1/16th, in box and more
Ertl Series II Precision, 1/32nd, w/ box
SpecCast, 1/16th, w/ box
SpecCast, 1/16th, w/ box
SpecCast, 1/16th, w/ box
1987 Florida Farm Toy Show 1st Annual, 1/16th
SpecCast, 1/16th, w/ box
w/ loader, SpecCast, 1/16th, w/ box
Franklin Mint
Scale Model, 99-2000 Farm Progress Show, 1/16th, in box
SpecCast, 1/16th
Ertl, w/ 2-MH corn picker, 1/16th, in box
Ertl, 1/16th
white, 1/16th
Ertl, 1/16th
Ertl, 1/16th
SpecCast, 1/16th
Ertl, 1/34th scale, in box
1/34th, in box
First Gear, 1/34th
Danberry Mint
Ertl, 50th Anniversary
4150 of 5000 for the North Dakota Centennial
for Filter Element
U with CQ 2-Row Cultivator, NIB
1/16th scale, NIB
NIB, rare "Foreston" misspell
"High Detail", 1/16th, NIB
1/16th, SpeCast
1/16, "High Detail", ch. of 2, 1 w/ blade
1/16, wide front, front weights, Ertl
1950's, excellent condition w/ original box
pat. date Sept. 1900, rare
"Jetflow Drive", restored, nice
w/ working horn
by AMF, "Shuttle Shift" w/ single wheel NF, chain drive, exc. restored cond., Mfd. 1950
by AMF, "TOT" w/ single wheel NF, belt drive, exc. restored cond., also pull trailer, Mfd. 1950
by Scale Model, new 2006
like new, w/ original packaging
w/ SAE 40 paper labels, 8 w/ rack
A. G. Willing Jr. Special Agent
cast iron 8" long w/ balloon tires, circa 1925, good orig. cond.
square fenders, stamped USA
3 horse team, 22" long
ch. of Kilgore Invinsible, Kilgore Pal & Redondo-Pam
1/18th scale
1/24th scale
ch. of HD, puppy drummer, walking dog and more
Franklin Mint Precision Model
ch. of Ford and others
die cast, miniature
& others
ch. of 5