Summer Firearms, Military & Sportsman Auction 8/25/2013   10:00 AM
Now Accepting Consignments for our Upcoming Firearms & Collectors Auction. Featuring Antique and Modern Pistols, Rifles & Shotguns; German 1913 Luger, Browning, Colt, Marlin, Remington, Smith & Wesson, Stevens, Winchester; Ammunition & Reload Equipment; Military; Civil War Collection including a Horse 'Cannon' Saddle; Nazi Flag; Edged Weapons & Knives; Duck Decoy Collection-Perdew-Moore-Over (50) Examples; Sportsman Collectibles; Fishing Gear; Hunting & Game Mounts; Advertising; Old Gun Store Display and many other related items. We are looking for Single Items or Entire Collections, Contact Hack's to discuss your needs. All state and federal firearm laws apply. Federal Firearms License #3-36-201-01-5J-03525. 10% Buyers Premium.
400 W. Third St.
PO Box: 296
Pecatonica, IL61063
Phone: (815) 239-1436
Contact Name: Kathy
1. American .38 Special Derringer : stainless finish s.n. 22829
2. Harrington & Richardson Model 676 Revolver: 22 WRM cal. 7 1/2" bbl., case hardened finish, w/ extra cylinder s.n. AS67194
3. Ruger Redhawk .44 Mag. Revolver: blue finish w/ 7 1/2" bbl., s.n. 501-70667, nice
4. Browning Baby Auto Pistol : .25 cal., s.n. 434856
5. Stevens Model 22-410 Combo Shotgun: over/under, s.n.?
6. Harrington & Richardson Deluxe Topper M488 Shotgun : .410, full choke
7. New England Fire Arms Pardner Model SBI Shotgun : 20Ga w/ 3" chamber s.n. ng255781
8. Winchester Model 37 Steelbilt Shotgun : 12Ga w/ 2 3/4" chamber, s.n.?
9. Stevens Favorite Rifle : .22 cal, s.n. v530
10. Remington Model 12-A Slide Action Rifle : .22 cal long or short, s.n.508690
11. Stevens 12 Ga Shotgun : 2 3/4" chamber, 36' bbl. s.n.14vwj
12. German MGE Air Pistol
13. Hiawatha Model 594 Shotgun: 20 ga., s.n. R023675
14. Winchester Model 57 Target Rifle: .22 LR cal., 22" bbl., s.n. 7685
15. Triumph Single Shot 410 Shotgun: s.n. 95235D
16. Stevens Model 15 Bolt-Action .22 Cal. Rifle
17. Scout 16 Ga. Shotgun: s.n. 13258D
18. Remington Model 1100 Auto Shotgun: 12 ga., 28" vent rib bbl., engraved reciever & checkered walnut stock, s.n. 51247V, nice
19. Iver Johnson Break-Top Revolver: 36 cal., s.n. 74040
20. Winchester Model 70XTR Featherweight Rifle: 270 Win. cal., 22" bbl., s.n. G1499184, Mfd. 1980, NIB
21. Marlin Model 1895CB Cowboy Lever Action Rifle: 45/70 Govt. cal., 26" oct. bbl., Deluxe American Walnut stock, s.n. 97207708, NIB
22. Winchester Model 94 Golden Spike Commemorative SR Carbine: 30-30 Win. cal., 'Oceans United By Rail' brass frame, s.n. GS63371, nice
23. Winchester Model 9422 Lever Action Rifle: 22 Win. Mag. cal., 20 1/2" bbl., deluxe walnut checkered stock, s.n. F738457 , NIB
24. ROHM Model RG 10 Revolver : .22 cal. short, made in Germany, w/ leather holster s.n. 1040064
25. China Air Rifle
26. Stevens Model 15-A Bolt Action Rifle : .22 cal., s.n. ?
27. Daisy Model 880 BB Gun
28. Rossi 20 Ga. Shotgun : 3" chamber s.n. S162642
29. Savage Model 110 Rifle : 30-06 cal. SPRG, left hand model, walnut checkered stock, Bushnell Banner scope and leather sling, s.n. G004319
30. Ithaca Model M-49 Saddlegun Lever Action Rifle : .22 cal., s.n. 240826
31. German 1913 DWM Luger: 9mm Para., 4" barrel, s.n. 7108, very nice
32. Winchester Model 12, 12 ga. Shotgun: w/compressor, s.n. 516477
33. Winchester Model 94 Illinois Sesquicentennial Lever Action Carbine: 30-30 win cal., 20" new in box, s.n. IS20766
34. Winchester Model 94 Cowboy Comm. Lever Action Rifle : 30-30 win cal., w/ org box, s.n. cb9369
35. Winchester Model 94 Oliver F Winchester Comm. Lever Action Rifle : 38-55 win cal., 24" oct bbl, brass engraved, new in box, s.n. OFW5571
36. Winchester Model 94 Buffalo Bill Comm. Lever Action Rifle : 30-30 win cal., 30" oct bbl, new in box, s.n. WC59603
37. Browning Auto 5 Shotgun : 16ga., 24" bbl w/ vent rib, deluxe walnut checkered stock, fancy engraving, s.n. 2818
38. Remington Model 34 Bolt Action Rifle: 22 S-L-LR
39. Sporterized .222 Bolt-Action Rifle: .222 Rem. cal., nice walnut stock, mounted scope, exc. cond.
40. Stevens 12 Ga Shotgun : s.n. 337A, pat. 1914
41. Winchester Model 12 Slide-Action Shotgun: 16 ga., s.n. 507343
42. Black Powder 50 Cal. Percussion Pistol: marked Jukar, s.n. 0746.77
43. Colt Python .357 Mag. Revolver: blue finish w/ 6" bbl., s.n. PN01918, exc. cond. w/ case
44. Winchester Model 70 Classic Ultimate Shadow Rifle: 25 WSSM cal., stainless 22" bbl., scope mounts, s.n. G2565525, exc. cond. w/ orig. box. (200) rounds of new Winchester 25 WSSM sold extra
45. Navy Arms 45/70 Buffalo Rifle: heavy oct. bbl., case hardened, s.n. 2285
46. 1790 Flintlock Blunderbuss: 1 1/2" muzzle, carved pistol grip checkered stock, British proof marked 8.A. No.39, overall length 36", very good cond.
47. Ranger 101-2 Bolt Action Shotgun: 20 ga.
48. Daisy 856 Air Rifle
49. Westeren Field Model 30 Shotgun : 16 ga., 2 3/4" chamber
50. Antique Long Barrel 22 Cal. Pistol
51. Colt Derringer Pistol : .22 cal., in org colt wooden case, s.n. 52173D
52. Beretta Minx M2 Semi-Auto Pistol : .22 cal., made in 1957, org box, never fired, s.n. 72423CC
53. Remington Sportsman 16 Ga Shotgun : 2 3/4" chamber, walnut checkered stock, duck & phesant engraved 28"bbl, s.n. 1579758
54. Remington Sportsman Model 48 Shotgun : 12 ga., walnut checkered stock, 30" bbl, s.n. 3046629
55. Remington Model 870 Magnum 12 ga. Shotgun: walnut checkered stock, 28" bbl, vent rib, s.n. A088215M
56. Marlin Model 25MN Semi-Auto Rifle : .22 cal. W.M.R. 22" bbl w/ extra clip, s.n. 98689088
57. Marlin Model 25N Semi-Auto Rifle : .22 LR cal., 22" bbl, s.n. 99366465
58. Stevens Model 15-A Bolt Action Rifle : .22 cal. s.n. ?
59. Mossberg 20 ga. Pump Action Shotgun: walnut checkered stock, 22" bbl, vent rib, s.n. P852504
60. Stevens Model 820 B Shotgun : 12 ga. 28" bbl, s.n. ?
61. J.C. Higgins Model 20 Shotgun : 12 ga., 28" bbl, s.n. 58359
62. Connecticut Valley Hawken Black Powder Rifle : 50 cal. brass engraved 28" bbl, s.n. 61-13-042477-96
63. Navy Arms Country Boy Black Powder Rifle : 50 cal., s.n. 104599
64. Connecticut Valley Arms Missouri Black Powder Rifle : 50 cal., 28" oct bbl, s.n. 87450602
65. Stevens Model 820 12ga. Shotgun : 28" bbl, 2 3/4" chamber s.n. ?
66. Marlin Glenfield Model 60 Semi-Auto Rifle : .22 cal., walnut engraved stock, s.n. 21301969
67. Stevens 12ga. Shotgun : single shot, s.n.717SV
68. Harrington & Richardson Topper M48 Shotgun : .410 ga., case hardened finish, s.n. ?
69. Mossberg 500C Pump Action Shotgun : 20 ga., 26" bbl w/ vent rib, walnut checkered stock, s.n. L311591
70. Mossberg Model 30 Bolt Action Rifle : .22 cal., s.n. ?
71. Stevens Bolt Action Rifle : .22 cal., s.n. ?
72. H & R Break-Top 22 Cal. Pistol: s.n. 124