Hack's Auction& Realty Service, Inc. has scheduled several Live-Outdoor Auctions for 2023. CDC Guidelines will be followed concerning public gatherings.
We are providing 'Online Auctions' showing great success for our clients. We are a family business and appreciate all of our friends and relationships that come through serving Northern Illinois & Southern Wisconsin with auctions for more than 60 years. We hope the measures being taken to address the COVID19 viral outbreak will allow everything to get back to normal soon. Please feel free to call or email us with any questions or inquiries for upcoming auctions. We hope you're safe and look forward to seeing everyone in the future!
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Gene & Rhonda Hambley Auction | 6/23/2018 10:00 AM |
Large Auction! Featuring 1929 Model A Tudor Sedan, John Deere Model LA Tractor, Farmall Cub Tractor(All Three Beautifully restored), Model T Shriners Parade Car, 1963 Cub Cadet Dual Wheel Lawn Tractor, MF 12 Lawn Tractor, JD R92 & 317 Mowers, Cargo Trailer, Lawn Tractors, IH 560 Pedal Tractor, Several Hay Racks of Tools & related, Tool Boxes, Shop Equipment, Power Tools, Toys, Lawn & Garden as well as Many Antiques & Primitives. 2007 Chevrolet Tahoe LS SUV. Vehicles & Tractors Sold at 12 Noon. Directions: 1 mile North of S Main(Rt 2) | |
Location: 12448 N Meridian Rd. Rockford , Illinois 61102 |
Driving Directions |
Phone: (815) 239-1436 Contact Name: Kathy |
1929 Ford Model A Touring Sedan

Model T 'Shriners' Parade Car

Delivery Truck Banks

Oak Machinist Tool Box

Small Pot Belly Parlour Stove

Boiler Cook Stove

Wire Bird Cage

Maple Butcher Block

Chevrolet Name Plate

Ford Model T Amp Guage

Early Adding Machines

Pressed Steel Childs Walker Stroller

Household Scales

Paymaster Check Writer

Race Car Stroller Shopping Cart

John Deere LA Tractor

1949 Farmall Cub Tractor

Ford 8N Radiator

Scythe with Cradle

Star Milking Stools

Buck Board Wagon Seat

Steel Implement Seats

IH Hub Caps

Pump Jack

IH Farmall 560 Pedal Tractor

Ertl JD Tractors & Equipment


Cockshutt Pedal Tractor

1939 Evinrude Outboard Motor

Case XX Two Blade Pocket Knife

Pocket Knives

Billy the Kid Six Shooter Knife

Craftsman 5hp Roto Tiller

Classic Whizzer Roto Tiller

1963 Cub Cadet Duel Wheel Lawn Tractor

Garden Tractor Electric Clutches

Massey-Ferguson 12 Hydra Speed Garden Tractor

Gravely 1138 Garden Tractor

JD R92 Riding Mower

Roper RT-8E Lawn Tractor

JD 317 Garden Tractor

Wheel Horse B-100 Lawn Tractor

Cub Cadet 1250 Hydro Lawn Tractor

Maytag Motor Oil Can

Cast Iron Eagle Stops

Warehouse Carts

Pepsi Embossed Menu Sign

Valvoline Sign

Early Steel State Route Stop Sign

Briggs & Stratton Sign

Hughes Hybrid Embossed Metal Sign

Our Own Embossed Lighted Sign Panel

Western 4 gal Maple Leaf Crock

Corvette Battery Power Childs Car

Amoco Standard Tanker Semi

Structo Steam Shovel

Structo Excavator

Wooden Air Force Fighter Ride Toy

Childs Sleds

Radio Flyer 8 Riding Toy

Forest River Continental Cargo Trailer

2007 Chevrolet Tahoe LS SUV

182 Items Available -
0 Real Estate Properties -
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