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Hack's Stoneware, Art Pottery, Primitive and Antique Auction | 2/9/2020 10:00 AM |
Featuring a Great Selection of Arcade-Vehicles-Farm-Penny Toys-Banks-Mills-Nut Crackers-Brass-Paper Weights and More! Old Sleepy Eye Collection, Advertisement Stoneware Bowls, Large Freeport Souvenir Glass Collection! Cast Iron Banks, Carnival-Custard-Opalescent-Amberina-Cranberry Glassware, Sterling Silver, Vintage Toys & Trains, Farm Toys-Tru Scale-John Deere, Primitives, Antiques & Collectibles, Artwork, Country Store, Petroleum-Adv.-Signs, Stoneware, Roseville & Weller Art Pottery, Lighting, Jewelry and much more! | |
Location: 400 W. Third St. PO Box: 296 Pecatonica, IL 61063 |
Driving Directions |
Phone: (815) 239-1436 Contact Name: Kathy |
Atlas Malt Blue Band Stoneware Mug

Mini Souvenir Vases

Adv. Stoneware Rolling Pin

Red Wing Yellow Spongeware Adv Mixing Bowl

Red Wing Brown Adv Mixing Bowl

Red Wing Fauna Yellow Ware Adv Mixing Bowl

Blue Band Adv. Stoneware Casserole

USA Adv Mixing Bowl

Watt Ware 'Barker Lumber' 6" Mixing Bowl

Freeport Souvenir Glass Collection

Blue Band Batter Crock

Milk Bottle Collection

Rock Grove Co-Operative Stoneware Blue Band Pitcher

De Laval Die Cut Embossed Cows

Elmer Hartwig Wooden John Deere Thermometer

Despain Lumber Rain Gauge

O'Fallon Hoppy's Favorite Milk Bottles

Henney Hearse Advertisement Panels

Red Wing Ribbed Advertisement Casserole

Red Wing Spongeware Advertisement Panel Bowl

Freeport Milk Bottle Collection

Wagner's Ice Cream Litho Fan

John Valpel Egg Separator

Pepsi Tin Tip Trays

Raleigh's Tin Litho Cans

Sleepy Eye Flemish Pitchers

Arcade Sickle Mower

Arcade Child's Waffle Iron Set

Arcade Ford Touring Car

Early Cast Road Grader

Arcade Small Stakeside Mac Truck

Arcade Barge Wagon

Arcade Child's Cast Waffle Iron

Arcade CFD Fire Pumper

Arcade Fordson Tractor & Driver

Arcade Model T Auto

Arcade Penny Toy Collection

Eagle Child's Cast Iron Cook Stoves

Arcade No. 872 Bowling Alley

Wyandotte 1930's Oil Tanker Truck

Victorian Wall Shaving Mirror

Arcade 'No Dent' Brass Spittoon

C. Forschners Brass Milk Scale

Arcade Ice Pick

Dazey Butter Churn � Blue Tin metal container.

Willson No. N86 Safety Goggles

Sleigh Bells

Stover Brass Finger Candle Holder

Walnut 2 Drawer Sewing File

Oak 4-Drawer File Cabinet

Roseville Freesia Vase

Van Briggle Cranberry Conch Shell

Blended Glaze Corn Embossed Footed Jardiniere

Rookwood 1928 Blue Matte Vase

Roseville Candle Sticks

Niloak Art Vases

Weller Louwelsa Buttress Vase

Shawnee Tom the Piper's Son Tea Pot

Wattware Apple Milk Pitcher

1908 Frederic Remington Artist's Proof

Rolf Armstrong Nude Litho

AC Williams House Banks

Arcade Lion Penny Bank

Arcade Red Goose Cast Iron Bank

Arcade Cast Cash Register Penny Banks

Liberty Bell Cast Penny Bank

Arcade Alarm Clock Cast Penny Bank

Arcade Cast Cabin Bird House Bank

Supercast Electrolux Refrigerator Bank

Arcade Mail Box Bank

Carnival Green Amethyst Three Fruits Fluted Candy

Vaseline Horn Hand Vase

Cranberry Thumb Print Tumbler

Blue Opalescent Sea Weed Rose Bowl

Glass Candy Containers

Vaseline Seaweed Opalescent Glass

Green Amethyst Stippled Stretch Glass Vase

Carnival Green Amethyst Nippon Ruffled Bowl

Green Depression Whipper Jar

Heisey Custard Early Table Set

Carnival Green Peacock & Urn Bowl

Carnival Amethyst Grape Chain Hat Pin Holder

End of the Day Cased Ruffled Basket

Peach Bow Hand Blown Pear

Peach Bow Hand Blown Baby Rattle

Millville Atmospheric Fruit Jar

Freeport Bottles

Royal Doulton Balloon Lady

Cranberry Opalescent Swirl Hand Blown Basket

Victorian Cranberry Etched Cruet Set

Heisey Green Deco Table Salt Set

Wave Crest Embossed Powder Box

Cranberry Enameled Table Set

Arcade Square Graduated Coffee Mill Tumbler

Amberina Rose Bowl

Cranberry Thumb Print Pickle Caster

Victorian All Glass Etched Cruet Set

Tin Folk Art Roosters

Cloisonn� Pieces

Victorian Celluloid Collar Boxes

Brass Country Store Scale Pan

Brass Country Store Hanging Brass Scale

Brass Store Bells

Green River Syrup Dispenser

Stephenson County 1917 Prairie Farmer's Directory

Trask Bridge Picnic 1964 Book

Early Plat Books

Raleigh's Almanacs

Freeport 1935 Telephone Directory

Civil War Battle of Franklin Colorful Litho

Humpty Dumpty Fruit Crate

Salesman Sample Wooden Barn Pulley

Ertl AC-WD 45 Cast Tractor

Tru-Scale M Tractor

Tru-Scale Farm Toys

Tru-Scale Gang Type Disc

Tru-Scale Manure Spreader

Tru-Scale Elevator

Tru-Scale Auger Type Elevator

1950's John Deere Tractor & 2-Row Corn Picker

John Deere 12A Combine

John Deere 1940's A Cast Aluminum Tractor

Carter 1950's John Deere H Manure Spreader

John Deere 220 Power-Flex Disk

Folk Carved Gnome Nut Cracker

Polished Brass Carriage Lantern

Henny Cast Buggy Step

Early Tin & Brass Carriage Lanterns

Silver Western Saddle Ring

Goofus Glass Embossed Rose Oil Lamp

Cobalt Three Fuits Finger Lamp

Dietz No. 2 Large Fount D-Lite Lantern

1938 Camp Grant Fob

Harley Davidson Motorcycle Helmet

Sleepy Eye Blue & White No. 5 Pitchers

Sleepy Eye Western 22 Oz. Cobalt Blue & White Mug

1996 Sleepy Convention Flemish Salt Crock

1997 Sleepy Eye Convention Flemish Stein

2002 Sleepy Eye Convention Chestnut Stein

Sleepy Eye Blue Rim Stein

Sleepy Eye Lemonade Mugs

Sleepy Eye Flemish No. 3 Pitcher

1990's Sleepy Eye Convention Cream & Sugar

Sleepy Eye Flemish Pitchers

Sleepy Eye Chestnut Western Mug

Sleepy Eye Flemish Salt Crock

Sleepy Eye Flemish Pitcher Set

Sleepy Eye Light Blue & White No. 4 Blue Rim Pitchers

Sleepy Eye Blue & White No. 3 Pitcher

Sleepy Eye Blue & White No. 2 Pitcher

1982 Sleepy Eye Convention Barrel

1986 Sleepy Eye Convention Pitcher

Old Sleepy Eye Bronze Bust Paperweight

Sleepy Eye Amethyst Slag Footed Toothpick

2000 Sleepy Eye Convention Porcelain Sign

Sleepy Eye Convention Trademark Fans

Sleepy Eye Convention Blue Band Mugs

Sleepy Eye Collector's Club Obelisk Paperweight

Sleepy Eye Blue & White No. 5 Blue Rim Pitcher

Sleepy Eye Paper Label Egg Crate

Sleepy Eye Blue & White No. 1 Pitchers

Chief Sleepy Eye Centennial 1972 Ish-Tak-Ha-Ba Plate

Sleepy Eye Cook Books

Sleepy Eye Blue & White No. 4 Blue Rim Pitcher

Sleepy Eye Blue & White No. 1 Blue Rim Pitcher

Sleepy Eye Blue & White No. 4 Pithcers

Sleepy Eye Blue & White No. 3 Pitcher

Sleepy Eye Light Blue & White No. 3 Pitcher

1979 Sleepy Eye Collectors Club Desk Plaque

Sleepy Eye Flemish Cattail Vase

Sleepy Eye Blue & White Mugs

HB&M Bench Whet Grinder

Wagner No. 1050 Skillet Ash Tray

Champion Fancy Cast Wine Bottle Opener

Arcade No. 5 Wall Mill

Stover No. 8 Cast Waffle Iron

Arcade No. 1 Cast Bench Coffee Mill

Arcade Nickled Adjustable Nut Cracker

Nickel Hotel Desk Bell

Early Brass Pail

Arcade Nickel Stove Top Lifter

Arcade Crystal No. 3 Wall Coffee Mill

AC Williams Daisy No. 867 Toy Coffee Mill

Freidag Adjustable Cast Wall Coffee Mill

Arcade Imperial Box Coffee Mill

Arcade IXL Tall Box Coffee Mill

Tin Santa Candy Mold

Stover No. 1 Juice Press

Daisy No. 20 Glass Churn

Stover Junior Waffle Iron Sets

Arcade No. 2 Juice Press

Arcade Deco Nut Cracker

Arcade Bench Cast Nut Cracker

Redlinger E-Z Nut Cracker

Starline Wooden Pulleys

Cast Iron No. 8 Cook Stove Kettle

Stover No. 12 Bench Saw Vice

Stover Victorian Cast Stove Pipe Crates

Adam's ICRR Rail Road Lantern

Arcade Toys Embossed Tin Sign

Nickeled Starline Plaque

1934 Klinker Klub Pewter Tankard

Early Pewter Graduated Pitcher Set

Kirk Sterling Filigree Collection

Blue Stencil Stoneware Wall Salt Crock

Blue/Grey Embossed Floral Salt Crock

Early 4 gal. Brown Top Jug

New York Stoneware No. 3 Salt Glaze Stylized Jug

Troy Pottery 3 Gallon Stylized Salt Glaze Crock

Glasgow Stoneware No. 2 Foot Warmer

German Stoneware Beer Bottles

Western 2 Gallon Maple Leaf Brown Top Jug

Old Hand Stitch Quilts

Hand Wrought Adz Head

Stanley No. 78 Cast Iron Adj. Plane

Lesney Matchbox Collection

USA Trains Chicago North Western 1715 Locomotive

Union Pacific 5012 O Scale RS-3 Diesel Locomotive

Union Pacific 1308 Council Bluffs Passenger Car

373 Items Available -
0 Real Estate Properties -
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