Hack's Auction& Realty Service, Inc. has scheduled several Live-Outdoor Auctions for 2023. CDC Guidelines will be followed concerning public gatherings.
We are providing 'Online Auctions' showing great success for our clients. We are a family business and appreciate all of our friends and relationships that come through serving Northern Illinois & Southern Wisconsin with auctions for more than 60 years. We hope the measures being taken to address the COVID19 viral outbreak will allow everything to get back to normal soon. Please feel free to call or email us with any questions or inquiries for upcoming auctions. We hope you're safe and look forward to seeing everyone in the future!
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Annual New Years Day Antique Auction '19 | 1/1/2019 10:00 AM |
Featuring The Outstanding Vintage Toy Collection & Roseville Art Pottery Collection From The Harold Wakeley Estate! The Best Early Structo Toys-1920's Auto Builder-Clockwork-Bearcat-Roadsters-Caterpillar Tractors & Rare Yuba Model-Police-Army-Dump Trucks-1919 Erector Construction Outfits-More, Large Size Buddy "L" Trucks-Coach-Equipment, Arcade Cast Iron, Cor-Cor Airflows-Bus-Train Set, Keystone Railway Express, Chein, C-Macks, 1909-30's Schieble, Early Fire Pumpers, Dayton, Doepke MG Racer, "Oh-Boy" by Kiddie Metal Toy, Metalcraft, Tonka, Sturditoy "Travelling Store" Delivery, Nylint Wind-Ups, American National 'Giant', Kingsbury, Steelcraft and Many Others by The Old & Desirable Steel Toy Makers. Friction Hillclimbers, Locos-Trolley-Street Cars, Cast Iron Horse Drawn & Bell Toys, Steam & Mechanical, Construction & Fire Trucks, Over 150 Great Examples From The Early 1900's to 50's. Rare Silver King Pedal Tractor, Case Threshing Machine Cast Iron Eagle Hitching Post, U.S. Civil War & Military, Hunting & Fishing, Antique Outboard Motors, Old Advertising & Signs, Country Store & Americana, Rockford Memorabilia, Galena Pottery & Stoneware, Primitives, Lighting, Art Glass Leaded Windows, Stickley Bros. 'Quaint' Furniture Desk & Table, 1836 Decorated Corner Cupboard, ROSEVILLE ART POTTERY Collection - Over 100 Fine Examples and Many More Antiques. | |
Location: 400 W. Third St. PO Box: 296 Pecatonica, IL 61063 |
Driving Directions |
Phone: (815) 239-1436 Contact Name: Kathy |
Huge Jeweler's Trade Sign - {gallery_start}100

1938 Firestone Tractor Tire Calender

J.I. Case Threshing Machine Co. Metal Sign

1925 Buick Coupe w/ Friction Motor

Doepke Roadster

Cor-Cor Graham Paige Airflow

Keystone 'American Railway Express'

Structo Police Patrol - $650

Oh-Boy! U.S. Mail Truck - $850

STRUCTO Auto-Builder No.8 Racing Auto

Structo Auto-Builder No.10 Bear Cat Auto

Structo Auto-Builder No.11 Tractor

Structo Auto-Builder No.12 Early Deluxe Autos

Structo Auto-Builder No.10 Bear Cat Autos

Structo Auto-Builder No.14 Giant Dump Truck

Structo Auto-Builder No.16 Yuba Tractor

Structo Ready-Built No.44 Caterpillar Tractor

Structo Ready-Built No.48 Caterpillar Whippet Tank

Structo Ready-Built No.56 Sifter

Structo No.405 Packard Dump Truck

Structo No.405 Dump Truck

Structo No.103 10-Wheel Army Tank

Structo Tractor Pulled Road Grader

Structo Grab Bucket Crane

Schieble 1930's Passenger Bus

Structo Diamond T Style Dump Truck

American National Giant Mack Dump Truck

Arcade Fageol Bus w/ Driver

Arcade Sedan w/ Driver

Bliss 'Jackson Park' Wooden Trolley Pull Toy

Cor-Cor Chrysler Airflow Auto

Chein 'Hercules' Ferris Wheel

Buddy 'L' Aerial Fire Truck

Buddy L Concrete Mixer

Buddy L Dump Truck

Buddy 'L' Large Size Dump Trucks

Buddy L Flivver Auto

Buddy 'L' Steerable Coach - {gallery_start}150

Buddy L 'Repair it Unit' Tow Truck

Cor-Cor 1930's Bus w/ Lights

Dayton Early RR Locomotive & Coal Tender

Dayton Early RR Freight Cars

Empire Pressed Steel Ferris Wheel

Empire Pressed Steel Windmill

EP Germany Brass Horizontal Steam Engine

Kingsbury "Little Jim" USA Army Truck

Kingsbury "Little Jim" Crawler & Wagon

Kingsbury Airflow Auto & Travel Trailer

Kingsbury No.796 Tractors w/ Roof

Marx Sit & Ride Truck

Nylint 1946 Amazing Windup Car

Nylint No.1100 Elgin Street Sweeper

Nylint No.1200 Pump-Mobile

Schieble Friction Pickup Truck

Meccano 1920's Builder Kit

Schieble Early Pumper Wagon

Schieble Roadster w/ Balloon Tires

Schieble Sedan

Smith Miller Mobilgas Semi & Wooden Double tanker

Smith Miller Mobilgas Tanker Truck

Steelcraft Mack Open Cab Dump Truck

Structo Fire Dept. Pumper/Ladder Truck

Structo Model Building Accessory Outfit No. 3A

Structo Model Building Outfit No. 4

Tonka 50th Anniv. Dump Trucks

Arcade Cast Iron Double Decker Bus

Cast Iron Horse Drawn Carriage w/ Driver

Cast Iron Lion Pulling Cart

Schieble Friction Fire Ladder Truck

Hydrox Products Pressed Steel 1930's Delivery Truck

Friction Early Trolley Car

Tonka 1956 Aerial Sand Loader

Early Structo Stake Truck - $900

Little Jim Playthings for J.C. Penny Co. Early Dump Truck

1919 Buddy "L" Open Cab Dump Truck

Turner 1920's Red Dump Truck

White 1920's Dump Truck

Buddy 'L' City Dray Truck

Schieble Touring Sedan

"Little Jim" Shovel

Nylint No. 1000 Deliver-All Windup

Sturditoy Dump Truck - $775

{gallery_start},250 - J.I. Case Threshing Machine Co. Eagle Hitching Post

Case Eagle/Globe Cast Iron Bookends

Wisconsin Folk Art Carved Figure

Oak Stick & Ball Fireplace Screen

Victorian Bird Cage

1853 Gutta Percha Miniature Photo

Leaded Art Glass Old Church Window

Leaded Art Glass Window Panels

Roseville Pine Cone - $650

Roseville Tourist Jardiniere - {gallery_start}950

Roseville Early Nude Table Lamp

Roseville Baneda

Rare Nude Silhouette Panel

Rozane 1900's Handpainted Glaze

Dutch & Early Creameware




Pine Cone

Water Lily

Early Pitchers

Blended Glaze




Cherry Blossom





Magnolia Cookie Jar



Snowberry Tea Set





Clematis & Planters



Montacello Table Lamp

Corinthian 1923


Autum Jardiniere

Roseville Snowberry Tea Pot





Apple Blossom


Carnelian 1910

Rozane 1917

Early Jardeniere

Nude & Panel Wall Pockets


Rare Tourist Basket - Sold {gallery_end}100

Dutch Impressionist Oil Painting

Scottish Long Hair Cattle & Ram Oil Painting

Colonial Winter Lithograph

R. Lee Signed Horse & Carriage Oil Painting

Little Red Riding Hood Collection

Hummel Goebel Figurine Collection

Beatrix Potter's & Royal Doulton 'Bunnykins'

Jas. S. Kirk & Co. Soap Makers Adv. Poster

Patio Theatre, Freeport - Movie Poster

Deere & Mansur Cast Iron Planter Lid

1950 Oliver Super Farm Set

Silver King Pedal Tractor - $925

Western Super-X 410 GA. Wooden Shell Box

Winchester & Peters Paper Shell Boxes

Early Bentwood & Canvass Trappers Back Pack

1933 Johnson Sea-Horse Outboard Motor

1948 Martin "20" Outboard Boat Motor

Youth Size Wicker Fishing Creel

"Quaint" Furniture Stickley Bros. Desk

Limberts Arts & Crafts Desk Chair

"Quaint" Furniture Stickley Bros. Library Table

Arts & Crafts Mission Oak 2-Door Bookcase

Van Briggle Turquoise Vine & Floral Table Lamp

Deco 9-Drawer Dental Cabinet

Early Surgeon's Medical Kit

U.S. Civil War Leather Cartridge Pouch

U.S. 1838 Brass Rifle Flask

German Waffen-SS Poster

Galena 2 Qt. Jar

Galena Pottery

Whitewater Preserve Jars

1836 Decorated Corner Cupboard

Early 36" Wooden Dough Trough

Early Kitchenware

Bentwood Sugar Pail & Lid

Winchester "Authorized Dealer" Metal Sign

Gorham Sterling Silver Pair of Fancy Candle Holders

Early Saltglaze Field Jugs

Thomas Fanning, Rochester 4 Gal. Ovid Jug

Stoneware Tea Kettle

Stoneware 4 Gal. Butter Churn w/ Lid

Blue Grey Stoneware Milk Pitchers

Spongeware Covered Grease Pitcher

Weir Stoneware Bale Lid Fruit Jars

W.F. & John Barnes Velocipede Scroll Saw

1888 Cast Iron Express US Mail Train Set

266 Items Available -
0 Real Estate Properties -
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